renowned as a filmmaker, Oleksandr Frazé-Frazénko has gained acclaim for his impactful feature documentaries, particularly those centered around Ukrainian poets. his magnum opus, "The Poets Series," stands as a comprehensive exploration of Ukrainian modernist poetry. over the years, he has established a reputation for capturing pivotal cultural moments, from landmark art and music festivals to lectures, speeches, and performances, amassing a substantial archive of thousands of works.
his feature documentaries and fictional short films have garnered numerous international awards and nominations, with "An Aquarium in the Sea" breathing new life into the modernist literature movement, giving a second birth to a modernist poetry movement among the youngest generation of Ukrainian writers.
The Poets Series: An Aquarium in the Sea. In the middle of ХХ century the Ukrainian cultural elite faced the problem of choice: to escape and save their national identity or assimilate and remain in the Soviet Union. The film tells the story of The New York Group of Poets, founded in 1950. Ukrainian poets, who grew up in the English-speaking world, in the middle of the XX century are trying to preserve their culture and grow it back to the level of the world culture.
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Oleksandr's short films serve as fertile grounds for experimental exploration, pushing the boundaries of cinematic language. by seamlessly blending poetry, music, art, and cinema, these audacious endeavors not only erase borders but also reap rich rewards for the viewer. it transcends mere entertainment; instead, it serves as a sometimes poignant witnessing of self-exploration and self-healing.
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as a music video producer, Oleksandr is recognized for infusing his projects with an art-house ambiance, noir undertones, and remarkable productivity. His unique blend of roles as a video maker, filmmaker, writer, and musician empowers him to craft sophisticated and nuanced works. seamlessly intertwining sound, storytelling, and visuals, he brings a multifaceted perspective to his creative endeavors.
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huge part of Oleksandr's oeuvre takes work in art advertisement. through a decade, he has established a reputation for capturing pivotal cultural moments, from landmark lectures, speeches, and performances, to festivals such as JazzBez, "Flyugery Lvova", ethno festival "Pidkamin'", "Contemporary Art Week", Ukrainian-Polish cultural exchange "L2", International arts festival "Fort.Missia", Literary series "Kabinet", and many others, amassing a substantial archive of thousands of works.
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as a tutor, Oleksandr conducts masterclasses in filmmaking, leveraging his diverse creative background. with a program he developed, Frazé-Frazénko seamlessly integrates various artistic disciplines, offering students a comprehensive understanding of sound, storytelling, and visual aesthetics. his approach encourages an innovative and holistic perspective, empowering aspiring creators to explore the limitless possibilities of filmmaking. importantly, he emphasizes the notion that you can achieve it independently without the need for expensive equipment, an unlimited budget, or an extensive crew.